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B.C. Ministry of Education and the new Science Curriculum

The Redesigned B.C. Curriculum


We are living in a time where the world around us is constantly changing.  Technology is evolving at an alarming rate- communication is instant and information is immediate and continuously accessible (B.C. Ministry of Education, 2015a).  The old, B.C. high school Science curriculum, is modeled on a very different set of circumstances from a different era (B.C. Ministry of Education, 2015a).


 One of the main goals of the new BC Curriculum is to transform the education system to increase student engagement, foster skills and competencies (B.C. Ministry of Education, 2015a).  With the new curriculum, the Ministry of Education, students will be better prepared for the changing workplace and for a lifetime of learning.  Upon graduation, students will find themselves in a constantly changing global economy.   By promoting the use of current and emerging technologies within the new B.C. curriculum, students will be well equipped to deal with all aspects of learning and life (B.C. Ministry of Education, 2015b).


The way the new curriculum is to be taught has changed.  There is a shift away from memorizing facts and a movement toward personalized learning.  To increase the number of students enrolling in the sciences, the new curriculum focuses on three methods of instruction:



Clicking on the images will take you to different sections of the new B.C. Curriculum Plan

B.C. Ministry of Education
B.C. New Curriculum
Core Competencies
Curriculum Orientation Guide
Introduction to the new curriculum
Introduction to Science Curriculum
Finalized K-9 Curriculum by Subject
Draft 10-12 Curriculum by Subject
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