list of tools to support m-learning focusing on efficiency
by Kym Toporowski BSc., BEd.,MEDL Graduate Candidate
Major Project for MEDL at V.I.U. in Nanaimo, B.C.
Mobile Learning and the New B.C. High School Science Curriculum
m-Learning vs. e-Learning
Electronic learning (e-Learning) is any form of learning that takes place on an electronic device. In the past, most online courses were delivered on desktop and laptop computers. With the invention of mobile devices, a new, flexible way of learning (m-Learning) has evolved.
There are many overlapping features between the two forms of learning, but it is important to highlight that m-Learning is different than e-Learning. M-Learning is a subset of electronic learning (e-Learning). There are tools and applications that overlap between the two such as Internet access, Web 2.0 tools, email and word processing capabilities, yet there are some unique features that are solely found within m-Learning. For example, due to the portability and long battery life of mobile devices, users are more likely to use them capture photos, video and voice recordings on a mobile device compared to a laptop or desktop. Peters (2007)diagram illustrates this fact.
The ‘just enough, just in time, just for me’ model of flexible learning taken from Peters,2007
M-Learning is different from e-Learning in several different ways:
1. The device
M-Learning involves small portable devices such as smartphones, ereaders and tablets. These lighter, transportable devices mean that learning can take place anywhere and at any time. They also feature tools and applications (video/voice recordings, cameras, compass, calculators and geolocators) that permit the user to capture, compute and share information with more ease than desktop and laptop computers.
2. Flexibility
M-Leaning devices allow students to carry their learning tool with them. Unlike e-Learning which uses desktop and laptops that can lock the user into one location, mobile devices facilitate learning in any place and at any time.
3. Content delivery and duration
The amount of content exposed to the learner and the duration of the task to be completed are both reduced in m-Learning. In e-Learning, students are using a computer to receive course materials and to submit completed work. Students are in front of a larger screen and are typically located off campus. In the case of m-Learning, students are using their mobile devices to access bite size pieces of information and to create products where the device is used as a learning tool.
M-Learning works well in a blended environment. This means that students are still in a face to face classroom and mobile devices are used to augment and enhance the course materials. The amount of screen time is less in m-Learning compared to an online course because the device is used as a tool and not as a delivery system. Plus, in a blended environment, not all assignments need to completed or submitted via a computer.
"Many people assume that mLearning and eLearning are the same, however the differences between using mobile devices and computers are numerous, and designing effective courses for these two modes of learning can differ in many aspects." Webanywhere